Maeve Connor

I grew up around tons of animals, and adopted my very own first cat when I was six. I named her Jubilee after my favorite character in X-Men and usually fed her without being reminded. While Jubilee passed away several years ago, and was honestly kind of crazy and mean and used to pee on my bed all the time (I loved her though!), she helped shape me into the cat lady I am today. My cat Agnes is my soulmate, my wingman, and my favorite topic of conversation. When I am not hanging out with her, I am cooking vegan food, talking about my feelings, writing about all sorts of things, and occasionally going to my day job.

Full Name: Maeve Connor

Location: Portland, Oregon

Where You Can Find Me on the Internet: Twitter

What I Do for a Living: Nanny for toddler twins

What I Do for Fun: Write about everything, run a vegan supper club, post pictures of my cat on Instagram.

The Furry Members of My Household Are: Right now I just have Agnes, a very fluffy and very demanding suspected Maine Coon mix. I'm hoping to adopt a little brother or sister for her soon though!

My Favorite Things to Write About Are: Cats! Also personal essays, queer issues, social justice issues, and veganism.

My Pet Peeves Are: When people ask me where I get my protein.

My Guilty Pleasures Are: Ke$ha, watching Dawson's Creek on Netflix, and daytime drinking. Except I don't actually feel guilty about any of it.

How I Deal with Cat/Dog Hair: Embrace it.

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up: Advice columnist, because I am really good at telling people what to do. I would also be okay with marrying a wealthy lady and being a kept woman. (I'm not saying I want Ellen and Portia to break up, I'm just saying if they did, I would maybe want Ellen to call me.)

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