Use the Principles of Feng Shui to Set Up Your Cat’s Litter Box

Use the Chinese principles behind Feng Shui to create a peaceful litter box environment for your kitty.

A small kitten in a litter box.
A small kitten in a litter box. Photography ©graphixel | Getty Images.

The Chinese practice of Feng Shui seeks to create a serene environment by balancing good energy. The result is a happy home where everyone feels comfortable. For your cat, the litter box should be a place of serenity, not one of stress and fear. By giving just a little thought to the placement of your cat’s litter box, you can adjust the energy and create good litter box vibes!

Balance privacy and easy access

A litter box with ying yang design.
A litter box with ying yang design. Photography ©Getty Images.

Choosing the right location for the litter box is a balance between finding an easily accessible location while still creating privacy for your cat. Ideally, a litter box should be in the location where you and your cat spend the most time, but the middle of the living room isn’t the best spot for obvious reasons.

Look for a location that’s close to the main spaces in your home but out of the way, so kitty feels safe when using the litter box. You may be tempted to hide the litter box away in the basement or in a back room, but remember, out of sight is out of mind, which could cause you to forget to scoop on a regular basis.

Remove restrictions

No one wants to feel cornered when doing their business, so don’t place the litter box in cramped quarters or with limited egress. There should be plenty of room on all sides of the box for easy entry and exit. This is especially true in a multi-cat household where you want to eliminate the possibility of ambushes in or around the litter box.

Make it light and airy

If possible, find a location with lots of natural light and air flow to create a fresh and inviting litter box space.

Cats have a very strong sense of smell, so keeping the litter box fresh is important if you want them to use it, and air flow and light can help, plus this makes it a more pleasant experience for you when scooping!

Top Litter Box Stressors

A white and gray cat with his eyes closed.
A white and gray cat with his eyes closed. Photography ©rudolfoelias | Getty Images.
  1. High-traffic zone: If the litter box is in a busy location in your home, kitty may not feel safe using it. Pick an area that’s quiet but not isolated.
  2. Cramped spaces: Do you enjoy using a port-a-potty? Neither does your cat. Don’t cram the litter box away in a tight spot or a corner.
  3. No air flow: Every bathroom benefits from an open window, and the litter box is no exception! Make sure there’s plenty of clean air flowing around your litter box, and kitty will thank you.
  4. Infrequent cleaning: It’s up to your cat to use the litter box, but it’s up to you to clean it. Frequent scooping and regular cleaning will keep the peace.

Thumbnail: Photography ©graphixel | Getty Images.

About the author

Kate Benjamin has been writing about feline design since 2007 and is co-author with Jackson Galaxy of two New York Times best-selling books, Catification and Catify to Satisfy. Get more of Kate’s feline design tips at

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in Catster magazine. Have you seen the new Catster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting area of your vet’s office? Click here to subscribe to Catster and get the bimonthly magazine delivered to your home. 

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About the Author

Kate Benjamin
Kate Benjamin

Kate Benjamin has been writing about feline design since 2007 and is co-author with Jackson Galaxy of two New York Times best-selling books, Catification and Catify to Satisfy. Get more of Kate’s feline design tips at

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