Cat Breeds
Information on all purebred cat breeds and hybrid cat breeds. Learn more about your favorite cat breeds by perusing our comprehensive list of cat breed profiles. We outline cat breed basics and give you the skinny on what you should know before bringing a new cat home – everything from the history of your breed of choice to common health concerns and what they are typically like to live with.
Looking for a cat who’s trainable and would love to walk on a leash? The Abyssinian might be just the cat breed for you.
American Bobtails are known for being friendly and playful.
American Ringtails are friendly and love people.
The American Wirehair is an affectionate, people-oriented cat that loves to play but is not hyperactive or clingy.
If charm and cleverness are the keys to your heart, you’ll quickly be captivated by the beguiling Burmese.
This mix of Burmese and Chinchilla Persian is loving, energetic — and unusually proportioned.
This is a gentle, loving cat who “speaks” with a soft chirp or coo.
Colorpoints are vocal and demanding of attention. They are also very active and love to play.
As Domestic Longhairs are of mixed ancestry, their temperaments can be hard to predict.
All Domestic Medium Hairs have one thing in common: their thick, double coat.
Don Hairless are very affectionate and interactive with their owners. They are active and need a lot of attention.
With a sweet disposition, intelligence and affection for people, the European Burmese can also be chatty.
European Shorthairs come in many different temperaments. Some are quiet and laid back while others are active and playful.
Gatos adjust their schedules to their owners.
Havana Browns are charming, playful, people-oriented and intelligent cats.
A naturally short tail and distinctive ears are some of the unique features found in the friendly Highlander cat.
Javanese cats are people-oriented, playful, intelligent and vocal.
Khao Manees are friendly, outgoing cats that love to interact with people.
The Korat is an active and playful cat.
Calm and composed, a Manx tends to bond closely with one person or the entire family.
Outgoing and playful, this feline sweetie loves people and enjoys being handled.
Short and so very sweet
Munchkins are outgoing and playful, and enjoy lots of attention.
Wild in looks, the Ocicat possesses a tabby temperament.
Orientals are very active and vocal, and crave attention.
Peterbalds are intelligent, active cats that love attention and are known for being affectionate
Pixie-Bobs are busy but not hyperactive. They tend to develop an unusually strong bond with their families.
Russian Blues are known for being both intelligent and independent. They are moderately active, and like to play.
Selkirk Rexes are mellow cats that love to be with people. They are affectionate, and like to play.