Dr. Arnold Plotnick

Dr. Arnold Plotnick is the founder of Manhattan Cat Specialists, a feline-exclusive veterinary practice on Manhattan’s upper west side. He is also an author of The Original Cat Fancy Cat Bible. Dr. Plotnick is a frequent contributor to feline publications and websites, including his own blog, Leisure Commando. He lives in New York City with his cat Glitter.

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Allergies are one of the most common health conditions in the world. Everybody knows someone who suffers mightily during allergy season, when certain molds and pollens prevail more in the environment. Unfortunately, our feline companions experience the same kinds of allergies that we humans experience, causing them the same kind of misery. 
Allergies are one of the most common health conditions in the world. Everybody knows someone who suffers mightily during allergy season, when certain molds and pollens prevail more in the environment. Unfortunately, our feline companions experience the same kinds of allergies that we humans experience, causing them the same kind of misery. 
Diseases of the anal glands are more common in dogs, but they do occur in cats as well. Common anal gland disorders include impaction, abscesses and tumors. Here’s what an expert has to say,
Diseases of the anal glands are more common in dogs, but they do occur in cats as well. Common anal gland disorders include impaction, abscesses and tumors. Here’s what an expert has to say,
For feline lovers and enthusiasts, cat hair is a fact of life. There are countless T-shirts and mugs with cute sayings like “Everything tastes better with cat hair in it” or “No outfit is complete without cat hair.” Yes, cats shed, but it’s a small price to pay for the love and happiness they bring us.
For feline lovers and enthusiasts, cat hair is a fact of life. There are countless T-shirts and mugs with cute sayings like “Everything tastes better with cat hair in it” or “No outfit is complete without cat hair.” Yes, cats shed, but it’s a small price to pay for the love and happiness they bring us.
Constipation is an occasional, harmless problem in most cats. Repeated bouts of constipation, however, is an abnormal finding and, left untreated, constipation can progress, with sometimes dire consequences.
Constipation is an occasional, harmless problem in most cats. Repeated bouts of constipation, however, is an abnormal finding and, left untreated, constipation can progress, with sometimes dire consequences.

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