Ellyce Rothrock

Ellyce Rothrock spent half her life with Flea, a Maine Coon who lived to be 21 and is missed every single day. She’s currently seeking a feline friend to manage Fritz and Mina, her German Shepherd Dog rescues. She’s lucky enough to live her passion for pets as a 25-year member of the pet media industry.

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Let’s dive into understanding cat tail language — what the movements and positions of your cat’s most intriguing appendage mean.
Let’s dive into understanding cat tail language — what the movements and positions of your cat’s most intriguing appendage mean.
Is your cat afraid of its own shadow? Do you worry it might lash out against strangers or little children? Here are some of the best ways to help treat cat anxiety to ensure your feline’s happiness.
Is your cat afraid of its own shadow? Do you worry it might lash out against strangers or little children? Here are some of the best ways to help treat cat anxiety to ensure your feline’s happiness.
Are cats carnivores? Cats are actually obligate carnivores. Find out what that means and why cats crave and need a diet rich in animal protein.
Are cats carnivores? Cats are actually obligate carnivores. Find out what that means and why cats crave and need a diet rich in animal protein.
Adopting an adult cat? Awesome! An adult cat poses different challenges than a kitten. Behaviorist Marilyn Krieger highlights a few issues you might encounter when adding an adult cat to your home — and how to overcome them.
Adopting an adult cat? Awesome! An adult cat poses different challenges than a kitten. Behaviorist Marilyn Krieger highlights a few issues you might encounter when adding an adult cat to your home — and how to overcome them.

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