JaneA Kelley

JaneA is the webmaster and chief cat slave for Paws and Effect, an award-winning cat advice blog written by her cats, for cats and their people. She is a professional member of the Cat Writers’ Association, and has been a speaker at the BlogPaws and Cat Writers’ Association conferences. In addition to blogging about cats, JaneA writes contemporary urban fantasy, and whatever else strikes her fancy.

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Is your female cat acting weird? Is she sticking her butt in the air and meowing loudly? If she’s over 5 months old, you might have a female cat in heat.
Is your female cat acting weird? Is she sticking her butt in the air and meowing loudly? If she’s over 5 months old, you might have a female cat in heat.
Cats are instinctively driven to hide suffering, so it can be hard to tell when they’re in pain. Be on the lookout for these subtle signs of a sick cat.
Cats are instinctively driven to hide suffering, so it can be hard to tell when they’re in pain. Be on the lookout for these subtle signs of a sick cat.
Cats don’t get aggressive out of nowhere. An aggressive cat is usually behaving that way for a good reason. Here are seven reasons why cats become aggressive — plus the warning signs and how to handle each.
Cats don’t get aggressive out of nowhere. An aggressive cat is usually behaving that way for a good reason. Here are seven reasons why cats become aggressive — plus the warning signs and how to handle each.

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