Tim Link

Tim Link is an author, writer, speaker, nationally syndicated radio host, president and CEO of Wagging Tales.

Tim’s consulting practice helps pet owners build stronger relationships with their pets through communication with their animals. To date, Tim has helped thousands of pet owners worldwide and looks forward to helping many more. A percentage of Tim’s earnings are always donated to animal-focused charities in need. He is also the author of Wagging Tales: Every Animal Has a Tale and current radio host of Pet Life Radio’s Animal Writes show.

Full Name: Tim Link, but my wife calls me Buddy and my furry family know me as Dad.

Location: Cumming, GA

Where You Can Find Me on the Internet: I try to be a little of everywhere. There's Wagging Tales, which is also on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest; and Animal Writes on Pet Life Radio.

What I Do for a Living: Author, writer, speaker, radio show host, animal communicator, Reiki energy healer for animals, and all-around pet expert. Basically, if it involves a critter, I’m usually somewhere in the mix.

What I Do for Fun: I am always having fun with my wife and furry, feathered, finned, and scaled family.

The Furry Members of My Household Are: My white Toy Schnauzer, Dusty; My liver tan Mini Schnauzer, Kramer; the sweetest bunny in the world, Ripley; eight to ten feral cats, depending on if it is a good weather day and how hungry they are. Although not furry, I also have seven finches, various tropical fish residing in three fish tanks and a painted turtle named Slim. Of course, I always feel the presence of my transitioned dogs Buzz, Woody, Neecie, Baby, and Bandit.

My Favorite Things to Write About Are: It’s all about the animals.

My Pet Peeves Are: Like many people, I have several pet peeves. My top three would have to be:

  • Those who would rather complain about something instead of offering solutions to fix the problem.
  • Those who form an opinion without having firsthand experience or the complete facts.
  • Those who say “That couldn’t possibly work” without trying it first.

I always say that we should make every attempt to live our lives like our animals do….living in the present moment, enjoying life, and doing what you really want every moment of the day.

My Guilty Pleasures Are: Pinot Noir and pizza (separately or together suits me just fine).

How I Deal with Cat/Dog Hair: My wife is allergic to dogs (hence our Schnauzer who doesn’t shed) and I am allergic to cats (hence the feral cats who have access only to our garage). Otherwise, Claritin works just fine (they can sponsor my writing if they happen to be reading this).

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up: Who wants to grow up? What’s the fun in that?

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